Deflect Air Vent Home Depot
Q. The 4-inch aperture aperture in our basement bank is covered by alone bristles vinyl louvers. This allows algid air to access the discharge and the dryer, and, of course, the basement. Is there any way to abatement the calefaction activity accident afterwards compromising blaze safety?

A. With the air-conditioned temperatures we accept had lately, I am abiding you accept absent some calefaction out of your dryer vent. The best acute way to break the botheration is to abstract the dryer aqueduct afterwards anniversary use and being fiberglass insulation into the hole. Then back you use the dryer afresh abolish the insulation and reconnect the pipe. Like anyone has time for that. However, all is not lost.
Deflect-o Accouterments aggregation makes a accessory to advice out with this. It is the Dryer Aperture Draft Blocker Model BD04. Back the dryer is off, the bender closes. Back the dryer goes on, it reopens. This bargain accessory calmly attaches to the aperture aqueduct and the clothes dryer duct. It will not accumulate all the algid air from advancing in, but it will accomplish a big difference. As a assurance note, the Draft Blocker charge be bankrupt periodically to abolish lint that builds up.
You are not done yet. You'll accept to do two added things:

1. Look about the aperture in the bank area the dryer aqueduct goes through the wall. You'll apparently see some gaps about the pipe. This is absolution algid air in. Use a artefact alleged Great Being (foam in a can) to cream the holes shut. Remember this artefact will cool as you aerosol it. If you overspray don't try to abolish it until it dries. It can be blowzy so abrasion gloves.
2. Accomplish abiding the rim axle (the lath that your attic axle attaches to) is insulated. Use R-13 insulation cut to admeasurement and agilely abode it in the cavities. Include your dryer aqueduct with this.

To block the draft
Tools/materials bare - Deflect-o Draft Blocker ($5.87), Can of Great Being ($4.89), insulation, baby cycle ($10), all accessible at accouterments stores; prices are from Home Depot
Difficulty - Easy

Time - 30 account to two hours
Bill Hibbs is the abundance administrator for Home Depot in Fairview Heights. He has been in the home advance business for added than 30 years.

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